Ciclo di Eventi sul tema dell’Acqua a Tavarnelle V. P. (FI)

POSEIDOMM – Università di Siena, in collaborazione col Comune di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa, il Cinema Olimpia ed altre associazioni della zona ha organizzato una serie di 4 documentari sul tema dell’acqua.

Martedi 10 Aprile ultima serata, sarà presente la regista del documentario “Intorno al Triangolo Verde”. Accorrete numerosi! Ore 21:15 presso il Cinema Olimpia.

Il percorso si conclude con passeggiata e monitoraggio lungo la Pesa domenica 22 Aprile in occasione della Giornata Mondiale Della Terra incentrata sul tema dell’inquinamento da plastica.

Ritrovo ore 10 in Piazza Gramsci a Sambuca V.P. 

Euronews program FUTURIS will feature POSEIDOMM

A short preview of what journalists Denis Loctier and Thierry Winn from EURONEWS have been filming last week in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa and Siena. Will be on air in March.


Citizen-Science POSEIDOMM project on National TV

The outreach initiatives of the EU-funded POSEIDOMM project, in collaboration with the EarthWatch Institute and the global FreshWaterWatch community, have been featured on national TV news on Monday, July 3rd. Thanks to all our citizen scientists trying to preserve and protect the aquatic environments for today’s and future generations!!

Day 11

Day 11

Ooops…I said last sampling was yesterday! Well, we had another one today. Just for the bulk, easy one, CO2, nutrients, chlorophyll, POC, flow cytometry…we had a final meeting all together, to discuss latest results, follow up, and have some cake and wine together and then we went to visit the Cretaquarium! That was great! Great end of the experiment! We said goodbye to Eleni who was going back to Athens – by ferry, overnight! We will miss her.

We went back home, walking by the sea-side. We cooked and went to bed and maybe, for the first time after two weeks, we really slept like stones! In the next days we’ll be around at the institute.. packing, some office work, checking samples.. then a few days of holidays in Crete and back to Italy.

With the hope to come back here one day, maybe for another mesocosms experiment…That has been really an amazing experience!


Day 10

Day 10


Last day of sampling! Last cleaning of  the equipment, last filtration of microplastics, last analysis of chlorophyll and the metals, and flow cytometer… Last goodbye to all the funnels and all the glass plates… Well, maybe we won’t miss them so much! But all the experiment was such an emotion to me, and very interesting! The balance is very positive in every case… I learnt many techniques and many information useful for my biological studies and I known very nice people here… I feel very lucky to be part of this team! Now Luisa can finally relax and enjoy after the whole work! She has just to gather all the results and make a complete summary of the experiment… but we will see in the next months! Thanks to everybody, great job 🙂

Luisa, Ioanna, Eleni and me in the lab for the last filtrations

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