POSEIDOMM FreshWater Watchers in the local TV

Among POSEIDOMM activities, FreshWater Watch is a crucial one: to promote environmental awareness and public stewardship of local aquatic ecosystems is the best way to prevent pollution, in particular plastic, to enter our rivers and seas.

On Saturday October 22nd, our amazing group of citizen scientists gathered together along the Pesa torrent (Arno basin) to get samples and be interviewed by the local TV for the evening regional news.

Excerpt from RAI TG Toscana (7.30pm edition) broadcasted on October 22, 2016.

Click here for the entire newscast.


High school students training FWW

FreshWater Watch High School students training @ Liceo Linguistico Giovanni Pascoli, Florence (Italy).

The outreach part of POSEIDOMM project has started yesterday with the first high-school students in Italy joining the global community of FreshWater Watch citizen scientists! After a training at school and a training outdoor, here you go, ready to get samples! In the picture you can see the students of IV D/L (Liceo Linguistico G. Pascoli, Florence, Italy) and science teacher Prof. Bruna Figliomeni. The students will use the data collected for their science exam at the end of next school year (end of high school, 2017). We will tell you more in the next months…have a nice summer and nice sampling everyone!


Osservatorio cittadino per il monitoraggio del fiume Pesa


Il Comune di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa in collaborazione con l’Associazione Cittadinanza Attiva e Partecipazione organizza venerdì 13 maggio 2016 alle ore 21:15 presso la Sala Don Bruni del Circolo MCL di Sambuca Val di Pesa l’iniziativa:

  • Presentazione del progetto “Osservatorio cittadino per il monitoraggio del fiume Pesa – FreshWater Watch – dell’EarthWatch Institute
  • Proiezione del documentario “Plastic Paradise – The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”


  • David Baroncelli, Sindaco di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa
  • Marco Rustioni, Assessore Politiche Ambientali di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa
  • Steven Loiselle, The EarthWatch Institute, Università di Siena
  • Luisa Galgani, Coordinatrice del progetto, Università di Siena
  • Gianluca Gasperini, citizen – scientist, Università di Siena

 Original post: http://www.tavarnellevp.it/in-primo-piano/1316-progetto-osservatorio-cittadino-per-monitoraggio-pesa

Scarica la locandina dell’evento in formato PDF qui.

High School Marine Debris talk – Florence

“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”

— Jacques Yves Cousteau, Oceanographer

One hour with highly interested and motivated students of the IV D/L Liceo Linguistico Giovanni Pascoli (Florence, Italy) about marine debris…check out the NOAA Trash Talks that helped me a lot for this class!

Art by Bonnie Louise Monteleone, The Plastic Ocean Project

Art by Bonnie Louise Monteleone, The Plastic Ocean Project