Ciclo di Eventi sul tema dell’Acqua a Tavarnelle V. P. (FI)

POSEIDOMM – Università di Siena, in collaborazione col Comune di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa, il Cinema Olimpia ed altre associazioni della zona ha organizzato una serie di 4 documentari sul tema dell’acqua.

Martedi 10 Aprile ultima serata, sarà presente la regista del documentario “Intorno al Triangolo Verde”. Accorrete numerosi! Ore 21:15 presso il Cinema Olimpia.

Il percorso si conclude con passeggiata e monitoraggio lungo la Pesa domenica 22 Aprile in occasione della Giornata Mondiale Della Terra incentrata sul tema dell’inquinamento da plastica.

Ritrovo ore 10 in Piazza Gramsci a Sambuca V.P. 

Euronews program FUTURIS will feature POSEIDOMM

A short preview of what journalists Denis Loctier and Thierry Winn from EURONEWS have been filming last week in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa and Siena. Will be on air in March.


Citizen-Science POSEIDOMM project on National TV

The outreach initiatives of the EU-funded POSEIDOMM project, in collaboration with the EarthWatch Institute and the global FreshWaterWatch community, have been featured on national TV news on Monday, July 3rd. Thanks to all our citizen scientists trying to preserve and protect the aquatic environments for today’s and future generations!!

Preparations at HCMR

23rd of May

The adventure has started! Today was a very hard day at HCMR but really important for our experiment: we prepared and cleaned all the equipment for the experiment with diluted HCl and water! It seems easy, but to wash each tank at least 3 people were needed!
And in the afternoon we placed  the very protagonists of this experiment: mesocosms! They are not so little, they seem like big baskets containing around 3000 litres… of sea water! and 3 of them, microplastics that we will add! Everything is going good at HCMR, even if we had some last doubts before the very beginning and some little problems that were easily solved. Besides such things are just a routine for scientists! All the researchers are very gentle and nice with us, we had so much fun during the whole day in the lab! And we are also trying to learn some Greek words…
Meanwhile we enjoy the Greek cuisine!





New experiment!

Check out our new page MESO-Plastic Experiment @Cretacosmos, Greece! We are on the field getting ready for the start. Chiara will take care of updating the page with news and pictures! You can check it out!


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