BSc Thesis on Microplastics in PCCPs in Italy!

On November 14th, 2016, BSc student Carmenzita D’Atri successfully defended her thesis for the BSc Degree in “Prevention techniques in the environment and working places”. Thesis title: “Study on Microplastics in Consumer’s Products in Italy“. This is the first study of this kind in Italy: Carmenzita conducted a survey in popular supermarkets in Siena looking for micro plastics-free and micro plastics-full personal care and consumer’s products. Carmenzita started drafting the first Italian review of products for the international campaign Beat the Microbead. Her BSc thesis was sponsored by EU-project POSEIDOMM. Thanks Carmenzita for the great job and hope to find many more motivated people following your first step!


Plastic microbeads will be banned in Canada, effective mid-2018

OTTAWA – The federal government says it will ban the sale of shower gels, toothpaste and facial scrubs containing plastic microbeads, effective July 1, 2018.

A notice published Friday in the Canada Gazette serves as final notice on the long-running environmental complaint, and it sets Canada on a timetable that follows the United States for removing the tiny pollutant from Canadian waters.

Continue reading here (Globalnews Canada)